Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to wondrous ordinary...

I've tried this 'blog' thing once before. A year ago, to be precise. The three of us had just moved up here to Townsville and we thought it would be a nice way to keep 'in touch' with family. Turns out good 'ol facebook proved to be an easier forum for that.

BigMan way back in Feb 2010

 So why again? Because now that we're no longer three, but four, and now that BigMan is nearly two years old, I've realised that I want to document some of the 'wondrously ordinary' happenings in our lives. And this 'blog' thing struck me as the perfect forum in which to do that. Oh, and occasionally I'd like to spout forth a few thoughts about random issues that have been occupying whatever part of my grey matter isn't preoccupied with keeping my BigMan and LittleLady out of mischief...

I've heard it said about mothering... 'The days are long but the years are short'. I don't want to look back on the years to discover I've missed the wondrous because it's been camouflaged as ordinary.

They love each other. I don't want to forget this.


  1. Welcome to blogland. I'm a terrible commenter lately but I promise I am reading!

  2. love your blog title! Beautiful way to express life :)
    looking forward to catching up with you in blogosphere!

  3. I agree, what a great title! Looking forward to more :)

  4. Thanks Laura and Emma! It's hard finding anything original these days!!!
